on good soil

2022 Theme

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty time what was sown.
- Matthew 13:8


Good, fertile soil sustains life and produces fruit. It takes time for soil to become this way, however. Rocks need to be removed, hardened areas must be softened and broken up, nutrients and water must be added. Only then can plants take root and grow.

In some ways, we believe God has already been preparing the soil of our community this past year. He uncovered some of the hardened areas (i.e., complacency, lack of prayer), and softened them. The Spirit has been depositing nutrients of love and truth. And the desire to be good soil has been tilled into us.

But there is still so much work to be done. There are more strongholds of sin (i.e., rocks) that the Gardener needs to expose and remove. His plow has to go deeper, to find hardened areas hidden from view. And the Spirit needs to water and nourish our hearts with godly desires so that His Word can truly take root.

New Mercy Palisades is in a season of rebuilding. In fact, we believe the Spirit is actively building us into a beautiful, new garden. In 2022, we ask God to make us into good soil and to build us into the unique garden that he desires NMPC to be.

See the Vision

Watch Pastor Kee unpack some of the reasons for our theme this year and what to expect in 2022


Order your very own On Good Soil T-shirts here.

Digital WallPaper Packs

Please feel free to download and use any of the digital wallpapers on your computers and personal devices. We hope they will serve as helpful reminders and nudges to you throughout this year


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Sundays | 10 AM

Palisades Park High School

1 Veterans Plaza, Palisades Park, NJ 07650

New Mercy Palisades Church

A church for the broken, called to restoration

Worship With Us

1 Veterans Plaza
Palisades Park, NJ 07650

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